Its core problem lies underneath the game’s flawed system, which does not correctly instruct players on how to avoid this. SummaryĬities Skylines not enough goods to sell error is very common and frustrating among new players. To explain it further, some community members have found out that there is a time difference between General Industries and Commercial Zones, which causes grave disturbance and delay in the retail of goods. Also, make sure that while generic industries are producing the goods, they are also being utilized. On the other hand, If you are not too keen on stopping the imports, I would highly recommend improving the transport structure and getting the cargo drops close to the commercial areas. Just keep in mind that the Districts do not outnumber the commercial zones because then the supply would exceed the demand. The only way it is possible is to build as many generic industries as possible. I know a lot of players complain about pollution, but If you want to fix this error. They cause delays, havoc, and most importantly, the cargo trains or ships aren’t able to transport all the demands. Stop the ImportsĪs always, the most important rule of thumb in Cities Skylines is to stop excessive imports. If that is completely fine, then the problem could be more profound, and your economy in Cities Skylines must be lacking raw goods that could fix the ecosystem. You will first have to compare the number of generic industries to commercial industries. To identify this problem, and likewise, find a fix. This causes many problems, and at the end of the day, it is simple economics there is scarcity. With that being said, mostly the demand through the Commercial Zones is high, and lots of players are just relying on a couple of generic industries to make up for it. You should figure out that the balance between Supply and Demand is equal.

It is highly imperative that before you go on and get the transport plus traffic thingy right. This would not only help you identify the road structures but also suggest that the distance between general industries and commercial zones might be causing the “not enough goods error.” Balance the Commercial Industries Ratio Making more generic industries. I also recommend clicking on a truck and see how long it takes to deliver the goods. Once done, you will automatically see the transporting time being significantly reduced and the error no longer looming. You can quickly fix this by changing the locations of already built generic industries and bringing them close to the commercial zones. Usually, new players commit the mistake of manufacturing generic industries way too far from Commercial Zones, leading to delay and slow deliveries. The meta in this is quite simple you just have to understand the efficiency of the goods being moved from generic industries to the Commercial Zones. This is by far the most helpful suggestion I received while trying to fix the error. Make Generic Industries Close To Commercial Zones Commercial Zones. Some community users also suggest resetting the traffic because often the cargo ships or trucks are stuck somewhere, and they do not do their job.

Similarly, sometimes the cargo trains and ships are also unable to meet the demand, so keep that in mind too. Besides, also make sure that if the goods are being imported, then there are cargo train stations or harbors that can deliver the goods timely. You can fix this by making a sustained road structure that prevents excessive traffic. You might be thinking, how does that cause the not enough goods to sell error? Since trucks from generic industries aren’t able to reach on time, the commercial buildings aren’t able to sell anything, which then shows this frustrating error. Many new players in Sky Cities Skylines ignore the factor of building a proper road structure, which then ultimately leads to heavy traffic.

Anyhow, with this meta in mind, you should now jump to the quick fixes for this error listed below. There is always a retail bottleneck at Commercial Zones because most goods are imported and not produced through generic sectors. The most common fix which doesn’t require any necessary explanation is to make more generic industries because most players corroborate. This problem gets further expended, with all the other relevant buildings being abandoned. The “not enough goods to sell” shows up as an icon on commercial buildings. Balance the Commercial Industries Ratioįix Cities Skylines Not Enough Goods To Sell A well-established city.Make Generic Industries Close To Commercial Zones.Fix Cities Skylines Not Enough Goods To Sell.